
The first day of period can be of great discomfort for women who experience pain. Medical experts say that nearly 80 per cent of women report experiencing dysmenorrhea or menstrual discomfort at the start and during their periods.

Symptoms like mood swings, headaches, bloating, and discomfort are seen and sometimes, popping a painkiller might not have positive effects on the body. In fact, a few dietary changes can eliminate pain to a great extent, coupled with some light exercises.

Dietician Garima Goyal told that making the right choices in a person’s diet can alleviate stomach cramps. She said that adopting traditional treatments can be used to relieve pain since they have fewer negative effects. Dietary changes to lessen period pain include having some homemade teas and adding green leafy vegetables, rich in iron, to your diet.


Warm ginger lemon tea is the best antidote for menstrual cramps and pain since it helps relieve discomfort. Due to its ability to reduce pain, ginger helps with dysmenorrhea, while the aroma of lemons relieves nausea.


Garima Goyal recommends that having something sweet can help to calm the mind. Dark chocolate high in magnesium can help relieve pain and cramps. Magnesium aids in reducing discomfort and contractions by relaxing the uterine muscles.


Heavy menstrual flow can lower iron levels in the body, leaving you tired and dizzy. In this condition, one must increase consumption of spinach and other green leafy vegetables as they are rich in magnesium and calcium. Magnesium and calcium act as muscle relaxants to ease cramping.


The mineral boron present in bananas absorbs calcium and phosphorus, relieving menstrual discomfort. The magnesium in this fruit aids in pain-free menstruation.


These seeds have anti-inflammatory and swelling-reducing antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds include essential fatty acids that assist in stabilising the synthesis of progesterone.


According to celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, soaked raisins and kesar (saffron) not just soothe menstrual cramps but are also effective in dealing with mood swings. Soak 4-5 raisins with some kesar overnight and have it as the first thing in the morning. Diwekar suggests that one can follow this routine on other days too, as it helps in digestion. Besides, kesar is known to affect serotonin activity.

“The best meals during periods are those that are nourishing, well-balanced, and light. Drink lots of water since dehydration can cause cramping to last longer during periods. Yoga is also helpful for reducing PMS (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms,” said nutritionist Garima Goyal.


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