
On  June 10th in Ludhiana Punjab police arrested  Mandeep Kaur for a robbery of Rs. 8 crore 49 lakh. The accused was nabbed by offering a flavoured drink worth 10 Rs. In Uttarakhand’s Chamoli district couple was arrested.  At Hemkund Sahib , Mandeep Kaur and her husband were trapped.  After completing  the crime they had gone to pay obeisance at the shrine.  Another  accused by name  Gaurav was also arrested by the police. Out of 12 people  accused in the case , 9 people have been arrested . Police recovered Rs. 21 lakh from the couple. Police got information the couple had planned to visit various shrines and they were to flee to Nepal. Among the huge crowd of devotees it was difficult to trace them.  So, the police came up with a plan to hold a free drink service for pilgrims.  Spotting the drink stall they approached them.  Since they wanted to take the drinks their faces had to be uncovered. Until then it was covered. Immediately police identified them. But they were not arrested immediately. They finished their offerings and prayers then police arrested them.


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